
My name is Tony Savostianov.

Recently I've defended my PhD in Mathematics in Natural Science at Gran Sasso Science Institute in L'Aquila, Italy.

My current work is focuses on the numerical methods for Network Sciences. My previous work included:

  • coupled (nonlinear) oscillators for modelling solar activity
  • detection of 3D structure in chromatine via CV methods
  • quasi stationary points in spatially-heterogeneous models of biocommuinites
Tony Savostianov
Applied Math Researcher,
Network Science
Post-grad Researcher
RWTH, Aachen

Quick Updates   all  

1 Jul
I am (finally) officially starting my work in Computational Network Science group at RWTH, Aachen, Germany.
13-17 May
I will be travelling for SIAM LA24 conference in Paris with the contributed talk about HeCS-preconditioning of Higher-Order Laplacians on Simplicial Complexes.

Slides: here.
9 May
My PhD defense titled Topological Instability and Preconditioning of Higher-Order Laplacian Operators on Simplicial Complexes has finally taken place.

Text: here.     Slides: here.
18 Apr
Our long-suffering paper on Impact of coupling on the road to synchronization of two coupled Van der Pol oscillators with Sasha Shapoval and Mikhail Shnirman is published in Physica D.

DOI: arXiv.     Code: repository .
21 Feb
The preprint for Contractivity of neural ODEs: an eigenvalue optimization problem with Francesco Tudisco, Nicola Guglielmi and Arturo de Marinis is online.

PDF: arXiv.
1 Feb
The preprint for Cholesky-like Preconditioner for Hodge Laplacians via Heavy Collapsible Subcomplex with Francesco Tudisco and Nicola Guglielmi is (finally) online!

PDF: arXiv     Code: repository .
28 Nov
I will be spending months of December and January at RWTH Aachen in the group of Michael Schaub.
26 Jul
Our paper Quantifying the structural stability of simplicial homology is accepted to JOMP.
10-14 Jul
I'm travelling to the NetSci 2023, Vienna, Austria.

Contributed talk: Quantifying the Topological Stability of a Simplicial Complex , program here.

Slides: here
12-16 Jun
I'm travelling to the 25th Conference of the International Linear Algebra Society, Mardid, Spain.

Contributed talk: Quantifying the Topological Stability of a Simplicial Complex , program here .

Slides: here
11 Jan
The preprint for Quantifying the structural stability of simplicial homology with Francesco Tudisco and Nicola Guglielmi is (finally) online!
PDF: arXiv     Code: repository .
23 Dec
The repository with Julia code for the HOLaGraF project is up online: repository .

The full paper will follow soon.
13 Sep
Giving a lighting talk on the joint work Topological Stability of the Simplicial Complex via Matrix Differential Equations with Nicola Guglielmi and Francesco Tudisco at SIAM Network Science Workshop 2022.

Slides: here      Video: TBD
19 Aug
The talk with Nicola Guglielmi and Francesco Tudisco on the Toplogical Stability of Simplicial Complexes is accepted as a lightning presentation at SIAM NS 22.
31 Jul – 2 Aug
Travelling for EUROPT 22 conference and summer school at Lisbon, Portugal.
11–13 May
Presenting a poster Gradient Flow Optimisation for Graph Topological Stability at NUmerical Methods for Compression and Learning, L’Aquila, Italy.

Poster: here
14–15 Feb
Giving a contributed talk Graph Topological Stability via Matrix Differential Equations at Two Days of Numerical Linear Algebra and Application in Napoli, Italy. Joint work with Nicola Guglielmi and Francesco Tudsico.

Abstract: here.